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Silver Paste Customization
Silver Paste Customization
Formula of Silver Paste
Customized Development and Manufacture of different kinds of silver paste: screen-printing, laser-etching, gravure, bendable, dispensing, metal-mesh and thermo-sintering types.

Organic/Inorganic Hybrid
By using functional group modification and ultra-dispersion technology, the physical and chemical properties of the organic/inorganic material can be successfully modified to have better mechanical or optical properties for different applications.
Nanoscale Silver Material Manufacture
Based on wet-chemistry processes technology, we can develop and manufacture different kinds of nanoscale silver material such as silver nanoparticle and silver nanowire.
Product Contact
Sin Chen E-mail:sin_chen@niching.com.tw TEL: 886-3-6116888 ext.62505 |
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